Thursday, December 24, 2009

David Hilliard, Black Panther Party.

This past weekend I had the opportunity to photograph David Hilliard, Chief of Staff for the Black Panther Party. I photographed Mr. Hilliard before he gave a speech at an event up in San Francisco, hosted by MC Supernatural, featuring the Black Panther artwork of David Flores ATC. The shoot went great and the event was awesome. Minus a flat tire fiasco on the way to the bay, David Flores and I had an awesome little SF turnaround trip.

The day after the shoot, I received an email from Mr. Hilliard. He was super excited about the photos and invited David and myself back up to SF in February for a Black History Month/Black Panther Party event, which were both really looking forward to.

Anyhow, below is a video I took of Mr. Hilliard's speech, a few portraits from the shoot, and a few photos that D_Flo took of me at the shoot.

"All power to the people."


all power to the people.
*fisheye photos c/o David Flores ATC